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Legislative Training Course copy 1

This course looks at the implications of the Building Safety Act on all those in the industry.

Fire Doors - What you need to know L

This course has been design to give delegates an awareness of the issues they should be aware of with regards fire doors. it will look at how to identify a fire door and all related information on maintenance, upgrading, heritage buildings and the various schemes available to ensure they will carry out their function.

Fire Warden Training 1

This course will cover the role of a fire warden in a workplace. It will look at all the areas that a fire warden should possess including the nature of fire, fire development, fire precautions in the workplace, use of fire extinguishers and evacuation procedures.

Fire extinguisher operation STK

This course  will provide you with a clear understanding of how to select and operate fire extinguishers in the workplace

Fire Awareness Training STK

This course will cover the role of a fire warden in a workplace. It will look at all the areas that a fire warden should possess including the nature of fire, fire development, fire precautions in the workplace, use of fire extinguishers and evacuation procedures.

ASFP Online Introduction to Passive Fire Protection M

This course will give an overview of passive fire protection and will cover the key areas that you should be aware of when installing, specifying or inspecting passive fire protection

ASFP Online Introduction to Passive Fire Protection Laing O'Rourke

This course will give an overview of passive fire protection and will cover the key areas that you should be aware of when installing, specifying or inspecting passive fire protection